
Join us in our work "to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination" (NAACP mission).

If you live or work in Camden County, GA, you are eligible to join our Branch (Unit 5177-B). 

You can download a membership form here:
and choose one of the payment options in Part 3. (Send us an email if you need a paper copy of the form delivered to you or need to arrange to pay by cash.)

Alternatively, if you are 20 years old or younger and your permanent residence is in Camden County, GA, or you attend college in Camden County, GA, you are eligible to join as a youth member, using the the youth membership form here:

If you want to give a membership to someone else, use this form:
If you are already a member and want to renew using a credit card, just go to:
and send us an email at
either letting us know if there has been change in your contact information or confirming that your contact information has not changed.

If you don't live or work or attend college in Camden County, GA, you can inquire about membership in another area at this link: